GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Special Eurobarometer 393 DISCRIMINATION IN THE EU IN 2012 REPORT

Submitted by Henrietta Dale on Wed, 05/13/2015 - 16:41
About (English version)

This report presents the results from a new Eurobarometer survey on discrimination. It follows earlier surveys commissioned by the DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of the European Commission, all of them carried out by TNS Opinion & Social network. This latest survey has been commissioned by DG Justice, which is currently responsible for Equality and non-discrimination policies and legislation.

New questions have been added to cover important or emerging topics in the antidiscrimination field, such as the situation of the Roma in Europe, discrimination outside the workplace or the links between discrimination and accessibility. Perceptions on discrimination against transsexual and transgender persons are also explored for the first time. The report examines the following grounds of discrimination:

  1. Gender
  2. Ethnic origin
  3. Religion or beliefs
  4. Age (divided into two subcategories: age over 55 and age under 30)
  5. Disability
  6. Sexual orientation
  7. Gender identity (being transsexual or transgender)

The report is structured as follows:

  • Setting the context, including whether citizens think of themselves as belonging to a minority group and the diversity of their social circles;
  • Perceptions of discrimination covering attitudes to different groups and the perceived extent of discrimination in Europe in general and outside working life;
  • A detailed analysis of discrimination on individual grounds;
  • Measurements of discrimination in Europe, whether directly experienced by Europeans or as third-party evidence;
  • Knowledge of one’s rights as a potential victim of discrimination;
  • Assessments of national efforts made to combat discrimination and the impact of the economic crisis on equality policies;
  • Views on equal opportunities in employment, including an examination of the effect of the economic crisis on the perceived extent of discrimination;
  • The case of the Roma.
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