GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.


Author Post date Title
chatzimallis 2019-Apr-18 EQUAL-IST Final Conference - Brussels 22nd May
Monicam 2019-Apr-1 2nd International Interdisciplinary Conference on Gender Studies and the Status of Women
Olga Kotowska
2019-Mar-12 “Masculinity and femininity: towards gender complementarity”
chatzimallis 2019-Feb-27 Webinar on the Promotion of Gender Equality at EURAXESS and EQUAL-IST
Andrea Bossmann 2018-Oct-22 I, Scientist 2019 - The conference on gender, career paths and networking
gigi guizzo 2018-Jul-24 Igualtats Connect - International Conference in Terrassa (Spain)
Andrea Bossmann 2018-Mar-20 Public Panel Discussion
arroyo_lidia 2018-Jan-24 10th European Feminist Research Conference
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Dec-20 Spring Academy "The Automaton of Capital, Philosophy and, Patriarchy: On the Tautological Universe of Value and Sign"
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Dec-20 Conference Translating Feminism: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives on Text, Place and Agency
Maria Olivella-Quintana
2017-Dec-20 Women researchers and research on women in Iberian universities
Magaly Thill
2017-Nov-17 MAP-FGM video
Author Post date Title
arroyo_lidia 2019-Mar-4 GENTIC- Researching Gender in the Network Society (Gender & ICT)
Jovana MT
2018-Aug-16 Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade
Jovana MT
2018-Aug-16 ZRC SAZU - Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
2018-Apr-26 Apolitical
Author Post date Title
2018-Oct-9 Gender balance in the scientific production of the Atapuerca archaeological and palaeontological research project
s.heidari 2018-Mar-15 TEDx talk on Gender and Research
Magaly Thill
2017-Nov-17 Multisectoral Academic Training Guide on Female Genital Mutilation / Cutting
Author Post date Title
gigi guizzo 2018-Jul-24 Igualtats Connectades : Intersectionality in local public policies