GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Natural sciences

Author Post date Title
Martina Erlemann 2019-Sep-27 Diversity in the Cultures of Physics
Vasia Madesi 2019-May-30 Gender Equality Academy
Author Post date Title
Martina Erlemann 2019-Sep-27 Diversity in the Cultures of Physics: A European Summer School Curriculum
Baltic Gender
2019-Apr-26 Report on the checklist for maintaining contact with individuals taking family breaks
Baltic Gender
2019-Apr-26 Handbook of gender-sensitive indicators in the Baltic Gender project
rparedes 2019-Feb-13 Journal club_ Gender differences in individual variation in academic grades fail to fit expected patterns for STEM
2018-Oct-22 Blog "Mulheres na Física no Século XXI"
2018-Oct-9 Gender balance in the scientific production of the Atapuerca archaeological and palaeontological research project
2018-Sep-28 Sexual Harassment of Women. Climate, Culture, and Consequences in Academic Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Baltic Gender
2018-Jun-26 National Legislations on Gender Equality with a Focus on the Implementation of Gender Equality Plans in Higher Education
Author Post date Title
2019-Aug-23 Advances in Computational Biology Conference
2019-Jun-11 BIH Symposium on Sex and Gender Aspects in Biomedical Research
2019-May-16 Neuroscience, Robotics, AI and Medical Informatics: New insights with diversity & ethics
arroyo_lidia 2019-May-8 Positive actions to empower Women in Science: the two sides of the coin
chatzimallis 2019-Apr-18 EQUAL-IST Final Conference - Brussels 22nd May
Olga Kotowska
2019-Mar-12 “Masculinity and femininity: towards gender complementarity”
chatzimallis 2019-Feb-27 Webinar on the Promotion of Gender Equality at EURAXESS and EQUAL-IST
Andrea Bossmann 2018-Oct-22 I, Scientist 2019 - The conference on gender, career paths and networking
arroyo_lidia 2018-Apr-11 De la Ley de Igualdad a la Nueva Agenda Urbana: El impacto de género en el urbanismo
Author Post date Title
Jovana MT
2018-Aug-16 ZRC SAZU - Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts