GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Toolkit, manual, guidebook

Toolkits, manuals, guidebooks on specific topics.

Author Post date Title
Henrietta Dale 2016-Feb-19 Strategies for Effecting Gender Equity and Institutional Change (StratEGIC Toolkit)
Elaine Enarson
2016-Feb-9 Working with women at risk: Practical guidelines for assessing local disaster risk (project guidelines)
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2016-Feb-5 Open lecture: Is your software gender-inclusive?
2016-Jan-29 Engendering Statistics A Tool for Change
Gotelind Alber
2016-Jan-14 Guidebook Gender and Urban Climate Policy
arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-22 The Ada Lovelace Day Education Pack
Gotelind Alber
2015-Dec-11 Gender and Urban Climate Policy. Gender-Sensitive Policies Make a Difference.
2015-Nov-18 Guide Pratique pour une communication publique sans stéréotype de sexe
2015-Aug-21 Training manual on gender and climate change
Laura Getz 2015-Aug-12 Managing Unconcious Bias
2015-Aug-11 Infographic: How Sex and Gender Influence Health and Disease
2015-May-8 Training videos on gender statistics
2015-May-8 Developing Gender Statistics: A Practical Tool
2015-Apr-13 Ultimate Guide to Computer Science Education & Careers for Women
2015-Mar-23 Kit de formació: gènere, TIC i activisme
2014-Nov-30 Proč a jak na genderovou rovnost ve vědě. Proměna vědecké kultury a institucí. Strategie a doporučení
Henrietta Dale 2014-Nov-11 Women's Networks in Academia: Practical Advice for Positive Impact
Henrietta Dale 2014-Oct-23 Safe Cities
Juliet Webster 2014-Sep-2 Girl-Friendly Physics
Henrietta Dale 2014-Apr-17 Scholarships, Colleges and Careers IN COMPUTER SCIENCE