GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.


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Joana Magalhães currently works at Science for Change in citizen science and science communications projects. She has more than 15 years experience working in the fields of Tissue Engineering, Osteoarthritis and Science Communication. Spanish Representative of the Young Scientist Forum for the European Society of Biomaterials (2016-2021), Board Member Spanish Association of Women Scientists and Technologists (AMIT) and Galician Association of Science Communication. She is highly committed to promoting the visibility of women scientists through media, specially regarding the contribution of women in the biomedical field. She has produced and/or co-directed television and radio STEAM-for-health contents for children (I wanna be a scientist when I grow up, Sound Pills, etc) and other publics, with gender perspective, distinguished as National Innovative Practices for the promotion of a scientific culture as well as other science communication awards.
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Area of Gender Expertise
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Skills and track record
Board member Spanish Association of Women in Science (AMIT) - Galician Node: collaborate with policymakers to design and implement equality plans at institutional levels; elaborate gender studies in relation to women representation in awards and royal academies of science;
Produce and manage projects of public engagement of health sciences through media from a gender perspective (radio, television award winning programs), women in science correspondent at radio program
Member of Gender Working Group FP7 EXPERTISSUES
A Coruña

Member for

5 months