GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Ana Guil

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About you (please use English)
Ana Guil, Full Professor, Department of Social Psychology, University of Seville, Spain. She leads the research group Gender and Knowledge Society, from inquiring about the Glass Ceiling for Women at University, collaborating in many other investigations: Women and Science, Uses of time males and females…In her more than 35 year professional career, she has published several books in partnership -for example The situation of women in Andalusian Public Universities ( /adjuntos/publicaciones/1_1518_situacion_mujeres_universidades_publicas_andaluzas.pdf)-, book chapters and articles in scientific journals.
Recently her interests have focused on revealing the historical misogyny of science in general, and Psychology in particular, giving voice to the women pioneers who had the courage to dismantle stereotypes about women's identity.
She is a member of AMIT (Association of Women Researchers and Technologists).
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Barriers to the promotion of women in the University and the Science and Technology System
C/ Camilo José Cela s/n
0034 954557703

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8 years 5 months