GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.


A title
About you (other languages)
El Instituto Estudios de Género se crea con fecha 20 de diciembre de 2012 de la voluntad de un grupo promotor de 33 profesores procedentes de diferentes áreas de conocimiento y departamentos pero con una trayectoria común centrada en los Estudios de Género.

Su objetivo es la reflexión e integración de la perspectiva de género en todo el ámbito científico, siendo prioritarias la investigación e innovación científicas con un planteamiento interdisciplinar, así como participación en redes de trabajo nacionales e internacionales, la difusión y formación de posgrados especializados con perspectiva de género en distintas materias.
About you (please use English)
The Gender Studies Institute of Carlos III University of Madrid is devoted to the reflection and integration of gender perspective in every scientific sphere, being prioritary the scientific research and innovation with a multidisciplinar approach. The Gender Studies Institute was established in December 2012 and has dedicated itself to enhance and promote Gender and Women Studies in University.

The multidisciplinary team consists of 55 members from different areas of knowledge: Law, Sociology, Social Sciences, Philosophy, History, Journalism, Communication, Organization of Knowledge, Economics, Cultural Studies, Engineering... The Gender Studies Institute participates in many research projects funded by Spanish Public Institutions and devoted to research on current critical situations in nowadays diverse families: elder care, children care, violence against women, etc.
Scientific discipline
Country coverage
Skills and track record
Project: Report on the gender impact of the Municipal Budget for 2017 (Ref. 2016/00516/001)
Funded: City of Madrid. Art.83 - Consultancy work.
Researcher responsible: Rosa San Segundo
Participants members of the IEG: Eva María Blázquez, Begoña Marugán, Clara Sainz de Baranda, Tania García, Marian Blanco, Carmen Luque.
Period: 09-2016 / 12-2016

Project: "Active Aging, Quality of Life and Gender" (ENGAGE-CM, Ref. S2015 / HUM-3367).
Funded: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, corresponding to the R & D Activities Programs between research groups of the Community of Madrid, and co-financed with European Social Fund.
Researcher responsible: María-Silvería Agulló
Participants members of the IEG: María-Victoria Gómez, Vanesa Zorrilla, María-Teresa Martin
Period: 2016/2017 + 2018

Project: "Collective bargaining as a vehicle for the effective implementation of Equality measures"
Funded: Institute of Women. Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.
Researcher responsible: Eva María Blázquez Agudo
Participants members of the IEG: Begoña Marugán, Patricia Nieto, Manuel Correa, Gema Quintero and Daniel Perez del Prado.
Period: 2015/2016

Project: "Gender and Figure, vindicating women photographers"
Photofeminist project that aims to make visible the work of women photographers, for this they have created a web where you can find multiple resources and material in open for your query:
Funded: Crowd-UC3M call for knowledge transfer.
Researcher responsible: Nieves Limón.

Project: "Gender violence, religions and education for equality"
Funded: Institute of Women. Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality.
Researcher responsible: Juan José Tamayo Acosta
Period: 2014/2015

Project: "Caregivers of the elderly: situation before the Law of Dependency and evaluation of program of support to caregivers".
Funded: Ministry of Science and Innovation
Researcher responsible: Agulló Tomás, María Silveria
Period: 2009/2013

Project: "Geographies of care work. Implications of its privatization on job creation ".
Funded: Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of the Government of Spain
Directed: University of Coruña (Spain)
Researcher responsible: Díaz Gorfinkiel, Magdalena
Period: since March 2013

Project: "Promoting integration of migrant domestic workers in Europe"
Funded: European Union
Addressed: International Labor Organization (ILO)
Researcher responsible: Díaz Gorfinkiel, Magdalena
Period: November 2011 / July 2013

Project: Gruntdvig of the European Union entitled "Unlearned lessons. Women on the rise "
Directed by: Mª Teresa Ruiz- Cantero.
Matilde Eiroa San Francisco, collaborating with the biographies of Cecilia Böhl de Faber and Mariana Pineda.

Project: "Work-life balance strategies in a context of crisis. The case of Norway and Spain "
Funded: NILS Science and Sustainability (ES07)
Directed by: Magdalena Díaz Gorfinkiel
Period: March 2014 / November 2015

Member for

8 years