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About (English version): is a Swedish national resource for gender equality. The portal offers information and news about gender equality as well as practical examples of and concrete tools for gender equality work. was launched in December 2009 and is a unique Swedish cooperative venture involving the European Social Fund, the National Secretariat for Gender Research, the County Administrative Board, the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions and the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA). From 2011 to 2013, was funded via the programme for sustainable gender equality hosted by the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions. Starting in 2014, the portal is funded by the Swedish Government as provided in the official assignment U2013/377/JÄM. The assignment is ongoing throughout the year, and consists of extensive development of and provision of support to government agencies in their gender mainstreaming work, GMGA. offers: * Information and facts about gender equality. We explain the difference between equal treatment, gender equality and gender mainstreaming, give a historical review and explain theories and concepts. * The latest gender equality news and tips on conferences, seminars and job openings with a gender equality profile. * Practical examples and concrete tools for gender equality work. We provide educational material, examples of gender equality in practice and tools to make high-quality gender equality work easy.

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