University of Luxembourg - Gender delegate

About (original language): 

As stipulated in the University Law of August 12, 2003, the gender delegate advices the rectorate of the University in all matters relating to gender equality.

The activities are based upon three pilars:

  • Development and implementation of infrastructural measures such as the convention to improve the reconciliation of family-life and research activities at the University of Luxembourg; the planning of day-care for children; counselling for students and employees when it comes to the elimination of discrimination; networking activities to improve gender equality within the University; cooperation with national and international organisations.
  • Promotion of gender research:  this comprises the initiation of several research projects, research collaborations and the organization of workshops on women’s and gender studies.
  • Implementation of the gender aspect in academic teaching:  this includes curriculum development and networking of teachers in regard to gender issues.

The overarching aim is to create a new gender culture enabling equal, respectful and supportive interactions beyond all discrimination, between all genders, studying and working at the University of Luxembourg.

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