Gender Summit 7 Europe

Europe is leading the world in the effort to make science more aware of and responsive to the consequences of gender inequality and gender bias in science knowledge and science practice.  The aim of this Summit, like its six predecessors, is to demonstrate intellectual, societal and economic benefits of addressing gender issues that impact on quality of research and innovation outcomes.  The timing of the GS7-Europe has been linked to the Falling Walls celebrations because gender inequalities and gender bias in science create walls that prevent full engagement and recognition of women and their needs. These walls, too, must fall to ensure more effective and efficient research and innovation and a stronger role for science knowledge in advancing sustainable economies and better lives for more people.  Day 1 focuses on new research and improvements needed to draw important benefits that scientific diversity and inclusion offer.  Day 2 focuses on enhancing impact of policy actions needed to remove common excuses why lasting change cannot happen.

Friday, November 6, 2015 - 09:00 to Saturday, November 7, 2015 - 16:30
Friedrichstraße 169/170
dbb forum
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Abstract submission: 
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

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