Engendering Habitat III: Facing the Global Challenges in Cities, Climate Change and Transport

The conference “Engendering Habitat III: Facing the Global Challenges in Cities, Climate Change and Transport” will continue to build knowledge, experience, and networks, on the topics of gender and women in cities, planning, transportation, climate change, and structural change of institutions to promote gender equality in technological fields, with a focus on architecture and planning.

In addition to furthering the EU’s policies on gender in research, the Engendering Habitat III Conference will contribute to three concurrent important international agendas: the wide participatory processes set up by Habitat III, the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, and the climate change policies emerging from the Paris COP agreements in December 2015, by creating a wide international academic forum specifically focusing on their gender dimensions.

The series of Engendering Conferences started with the 1st Conference on Empowering Women and Advancing Gender in Research and Innovation, held in Crete in 2014 under the auspices of the Greek Presidency of the EU. The 2nd Conference Engendering Cities, Designing Inclusive and Sustainable Cities for All was held in Rome under the auspices of UNESCO and the Italian Presidency of the EU in September of 2014. In March 2015 the 3rd Conference entitled Engendering STEM disciplines: Structural Change in Academia: Recruitment, Retention, Promotion and Leadership of Women took place in Lisbon. Finally, in November 2015 the 4th Conference under the title Engendering the Sustainable Development Agenda was held in Istanbul.

The two plenary sessions will feature keynote speeches by leading international experts on gender and urban environments. The conference will have eight tracks on a number of areas ranging from Urban Design and Architecture to Security and Safety, Accessibility, Migration, Environmental Challenges, Urban Planning and Gendered Research Methodologies, Gender Equality within Sustainable Development and Climate Change, Structural Changes in Technological Fields.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016 - 08:30 to Thursday, October 6, 2016 - 13:30
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Abstract submission: 
Monday, April 18, 2016

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