
Dr Sara Berbel Sánchez, Managing Director, Barcelona Activa and Manager of Economic Policy and Local Development, Barcelona City Council, Catalonia, Spain.
"Gender inequality is still a handicap that we must overcome in the 21st century. In areas like science, women are still far from occupying the space of recognition and experience that they deserve in the labour market. GenPORT is a great platform to share knowledge and investigate barriers that...
Dr Thomas Berghöfer, Coordinator of GENERA project, Senior researcher, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY), Germany.
"GenPORT provides a much needed platform for sharing experiences, improving knowledge and developing best practices. In GENERA, we aim to transform how physics institutions develop and implement Gender Equality Plans. This is a new thing for the great majority of organisations in physics and being...
Prof Gloria Bonder, Director of the Gender, Society and Policies Department at the FLACSO
"GenPORT is a powerful and user-friendly platform that brings us high-quality information and facilitates contacting with experts and institutions from different regions, which provide an added value for our projects. GenPORT also represents a bridge to generate and strengthen collaborative...
Tomas Brage, Professor of Physics, Lund University, Sweden
“For all of us that work on trying to spread knowledge and understanding of a Gender Dimension in all subjects, including e.g. Physics and Maths, it is essential to support our claims and exemplify our conclusions. GenPORT offers an excellent tool to find the recent research that will convince even the...
Prof Dr Cecilia Castaño Collado, Professor of Applied Economics and co-director of the Master on Gender Equality, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
" GenPORT is a meeting place for researchers and policy makers, a place to find and share resources, experiences and good practices in the design, implementation and evaluation of equality measures in universities and research centers, as well as public policies on gender and science. A tool for...
Prof Dr Tiziana Catarci,, full professor in Computer Science and Engineering, director, ECONA research center, director, Sapienza Design Research Center, Italy.
"GenPORT may give an important contribution in inspiring girls and persuading them that science is a thing for women despite thousands of years of male control.”
Prof Dr Capitolina Díaz, Professor of Sociology, University of Valencia, ex President of the Spanish Association of Women Scientists and Technologists (AMIT), Spain
"With GenPORT you can find a way to solve gender disparities in science, from recruitment to the content of scientific research.”
Jenni Dyer, Head of Diversity at the Institute of Physics
“We believe that GenPORT is a great way to create a strong community of practice in this area, sharing contacts and resources and adding value to the work that we all do.”
Mary Frank Fox is ADVANCE Professor, School of Public Policy, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.
"The GenPORT Consortium advances the international agenda for gender equity in science, technology, and innovation!"
Mary Franzese, CMO & Co-founder, Neuron Guard, Italy.
"GenPORT is the right source to have a deep knowledge about gender, inclusion and women empowerment. It is the right place where both women and men can express themselves and give us the "equal" insights about their participation in social and economic issues.”
Prof Agnes Hubert, EU Public policy maker and analyst
“I am a great believer in the sharing of knowledge across disciplines to generate a just and efficient world where women can bring their full potential and their sense of togetherness. In this respect, GenPORT is a fantastic resource for sharing and networking to enhance our “sisters power”, lets use it...
Dr Sophia Huyer, Director of WISAT and Gender and Social Inclusion Research Leader of the CGIAR and CCAFS
"GenPORT is a great resource and meeting place for researchers on gender and science. It is engaging, current and “the” place to go to find the latest in European gender and science research.”
Prof Dr Fiona Jenkins, Associate Professor, School of Philosophy, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University.
“GenPort is a great resource for all of us who care both about gender equity and about progress in knowledge and thinking. There is plenty of evidence to suggest that gender inequality distorts fields of research. It may be responsible for the phenomenon of gender segregation into different fields of...
Prof Dr Heisook Lee, Principal Research Fellow, Center for Gendered Innovation in Science & Technology Researches (GISTeR); Professor Emeritus, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.
“Compared to Europe, we in the Asia Pacific region have still to advance in our understanding of gender issues in science and how they can differentiate quality of outcomes for women and men. In 2015, we organised the first Gender Summit - Asia Pacific, which took place in Seoul (http://www.gender-...
Prof Flavia Marzano, City Councillor on Innovation at Roma Capitale, Italy
"In addition to providing information on published research, studies and events, GenPORT offers the opportunity to share and exchange knowledge, experiences and good practices for gender equality not only in Scientific, Technological, Engineering, Mathematical (so-called STEM), but also in human...
Dr. Laura Norton, Head of EDI at The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
“In order to achieve gender equality in the Sciences we must share best practices and resources, GenPORT provides an excellent platform for us to do this.”
Prof Dr Pat O’ Connor, Professor of Sociology and Social Policy, Department of Sociology, University of Limerick, Ireland.
“GenPORT provides resources to explore knowledge about variation in the extent to which men are differentially invested in claims to superiority, authority, privileging; the ways in which gender continues to map young people’ s lives; the structural and cultural processes through which women and their...
Andrea Pető, Professor, Department of Gender Studies, Central European University, Budapest
“In the past years gender equality is facing serious attacks by movements, intellectuals, politicians who are using gender for mobilizing hate. GenPORT collected those resources which have been accumulated in the past decades on gender equality in academia. As the achievements of the past decades are...
Prof Dr Kopano Ratele, Professor, Institute of Social and Health Sciences, University of South Africa (UNISA); Researcher, South African Medical Research Council-UNISA Violence, Injury & Peace Research Unit.
“A series of our current studies dwells on the understanding of gender and materialisation of gender (in)equality within families. What these researches on gender and (in)equality in private aim to be is a complement to studies and policies on women’s empowerment and gender equality in the public arena...
Renata Siemienska-Zochowska, Head of the Center of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies at the R.B. Zajonc Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw; Chair holder of the UNESCO Chair “Women, Society and Development”, University of Warsaw.
"It is a honor to be one of ambassadors of the GENPORT project. The idea of having the portal and collection of data available for all people interested in the issues was excellent”.
Prof Dr Marina Subirats, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
"Congratulations for the creation of GenPORT, a portal dedicated to the dissemination and sharing of scientific research made by women. In order to start incorporating womens views and persepctive regarding the different scientific fields, there is a need to close the gap regarding women and...
Angela Townsend, diversity coordinator at the Institute of Physics
“We believe that sharing resources, research and good practice are key to taking steps towards better gender balance in the sciences. Having access to GenPORT is an excellent means of extending the network of information.”
Dr Flavia Zucco, ex Head of Research, Institute of Neurobiology and Molecular Medicine (CNR) in Rome, Italy.
"Women in science still need tools and connections to improve their strength in fighting both stereotypes, as well as open and subtle discrimination procedures, active in the academic and civil world. GenPORT provides the opportunity to make a full immersion in the current and past experiences in...