Perceiving a gap in the resources available to individuals and organizations concerned about the gendered experiences of climate change, Global Gender and Climate Alliance (GGCA) commissioned this literature review in early 2016 in order to provide the most up-to- date assessment of the current evidence base illustrating how vulnerability to climate change and climate adaptation decisions vary by gender. This is designed to serve as a resource highlighting literature addressing a broad array of gender and climate issues affecting vulnerability and adaptation capacity. While this document contains hundreds of references, due to space limitations, it is not able to provide a comprehensive assessment of every topic covered. Readers are directed to the literature reviews cited below for additional sources, as well as subject-specific references that are contained in many sections of the review, which often contain information on additional research.
It is GGCA’s hope that this review provides insights for advocates, policymakers, scholars, and members of the public who seek to understand and address gender-differentiated climate experiences. Although the search was comprehensive, a select number of sources were chosen, providing a diverse array of evidence to support the advocacy and policymaking work of GGCA members. This includes evidence on gendered experiences in different geographic areas, using a variety of research methods, and produced by scholars from the Global South as well as the Global North. Readers are encouraged to use this as a resource for their advocacy, policymaking, and research activities.
In addition to the publication, there are tools available using the facts and figures from the research above and organized by region for your reference:
Regional Factsheets: Factsheets - Gender and Climate Change: A Closer Look at Existing Evidence
Regional Infographic: Infographic - Gender and Climate Change