About (English version)
NBSAPs Summary Findings
- NBSAPs are key instruments for defining priorities and modalities for effective, efficient and equitable biodiversity management at the national level and across key sectors. As such, they provide important opportunities to recognize and integrate women’s empowerment and gender equality considerations.
- Out of the 254 total NBSAP reports from 174 countries (presented from 1993 to 2016), 143 reports (56% of total documents) from 107 countries (61% of total countries examined) contain at least one gender and/or women keyword.
- With respect to how women and women’s participation are characterized in NBSAPs, the most countries (37% of the 174 Parties included in this analysis) indicate inclusion of women as stakeholders; 27% include reference to women as beneficiaries; 17% refer to women as vulnerable; and the fewest, 4% (seven countries) characterize women as agents of change.
To learn more about the IUCN Global Gender Office’s work in biodiversity, see Biodiversity Policy, Planning & Programming.
To view the factsheet associated with this full report, see Factsheet: Inclusion and characterization of women and gender equality considerations in NBSAPs.
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Gender and Science taxonomy
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