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Webinar Gender Bias in Academic Publishing

Submitted by Maria Jose Romano on Tue, 05/09/2017 - 10:01
Description of the event (english translation)

Unconscious bias occurs when we make quick judgments and assessments, and happens without us realizing. Research has shown that it can affect decisions such as who to hire for a job, and even how a peer reviewer rates a manuscript. In many scientific fields, women are underrepresented, especially at senior levels. For women in the academic research, the impacts of unconscious bias can negatively influence career progression. In order for more women to prosper in research careers, there needs to be improved awareness of the biases that can affect them along the way.

As a reviewer or aspiring reviewer, you’ll learn exactly what unconscious bias is, how to check for it, and how to avoid it. You’ll come away with clear evidence of the influence of unconscious bias in peer review, and hear about some of the recent efforts by publishers to reduce it, making the publishing process fairer and more equitable for all. This webinar is indispensable for anyone working in the STM fields.

This webinar is organized by Elsevier Publishing Campus. Speakers: Kate Hibbert (Associate Publisher in Elsevier), Nicole Neuman (Senior Editor and specialist in Trends in Biochemical Sciences in Cell Press), and Joanne Kemens (Executive Director of Addgene).

Scientific discipline
Gender and Science taxonomy