GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

EFFORTI D4.2 Case Study Synthesis Report

Submitted by Rachel Palmén on Fri, 04/23/2021 - 10:24
About (English version)

This deliverable compares and summarises the 19 gender equality interventions in RTDI case studies carried out across Europe (Austria, Denmark, Germany Hungary, Spain and Sweden) in the framework of EFFORTI (Evaluation Framework for Promoting Gender Equality in R&I) H2020 research project. 

This report details the findings of the comparative analysis of the 19 case studies carried out in the framework of the project. For each case study a theory of change was developed which was based on three main axes: concept/ design analysis, implementation analysis, and an impact assessment. These 19 case studies were delivered to the Commission (D4.1 Condensed reports of results on content level and methodological level for each case study) and are not publicly available. This report synthesises the findings across all case studies focusing on the strengths and weaknesses of the design of interventions by sub-fields of action, the common facilitating and hindering factors that have shaped the implementation of the intervention and lists the gender equality and RTDI outputs, outcomes and impacts of our case studies by sub-fields of action. Case study evaluations are then discussed followed by a summary of the ethical and methodological reflections of the case study authors. Case study work to validate the EFFORTI evaluation framework is then presented regarding the theory of change approach, the validation of the EFFORTI indicators and the EFFORTI impact stories. 

The main objective of the case study work was to consolidate and validate the EFFORTI evalua-tion framework developed in WP3. 

The specific objectives were to: 

 carry out concept and implementation analysis as well as impact assessments for the se-lected case studies, 

 develop a theory of change for the selected case studies (log-frame/ theory of change), 

 validate the indicators used in the EFFORTI framework – particularly those included in the EFFORTI Impact Stories. 


This report firstly outlines the EFFORTI conceptual framework – which uses a theory -based im-pact evaluation (TBIE) approach. It then presents the main EFFORTI logic model which considers inputs, throughputs and outputs and their gender equality and RTDI effects in the three main ERA gender equality objectives. 

It goes on to provide a conceptual discussion of the theory of change work which we have ap-plied to our 19 case studies carried out throughout Europe. This considers concept/ design anal-ysis, implementation analysis and impact assessment. 

The intervention typology is highlighted regarding intervention type and sub-field of action. 

The methodology for the case study work is discussed regarding, the validation of the EFFORTI framework (theory of change; indicators and impact stories) ,the case study selection, methods, the individual case study reports and the comparative analysis. 

The key findings are presented in relation to the strengths and weaknesses of intervention de-sign and the common facilitating and hindering factors for implementation. Output, outcome and impacts by sub-field of action are subsequently identified. 

Evaluation and monitoring of the 19 case study interventions is then discussed as is the valida-tion of the EFFORTI framework and we conclude with some ethical and methodological reflec-tions of the case study authors. 

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