GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Rachel Palmén

A title
About you (please use English)
Rachel Palmén is a researcher at NOTUS. She forms part of the GenPORT consortium which is an FP7 support and coordination action to develop an Internet portal for sharing knowledge and inspiring collaborative action on gender and science. She is the Workpackage 2 leader which involves carrying out a needs assessment with different stakeholders to feed into the development and testing of a classification framework for gender and science resources. She also leads Workpackage 4 which will produce 5 research syntheses and 25 policy briefs. She currently coordinates a civil society dialogue project co-financed by the EU and Turkey concerning Violence against Women in Turkey, Spain and Italy. She completed her doctoral research in 2007 at the Centre for Social and Economic Research at Sheffield Hallam University which looked at community involvement processes in Brazil and the UK. She completed her BA honours degree at Liverpool University in Social and Environmental Studies. She has published various book chapters and articles in a wide range of social science journals. Her main research interests include gender and science, community participation, and public policy. She is interested in cross-national research and works mainly with qualitative data.
Area of Gender Expertise
Country coverage
Skills and track record
Qualitatitive Research, Synthesising information, User needs assessment, facilitating participatory workshops.

Member for

11 years 7 months