Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini was established in 1971, and its work focuses on: sociology and labour law, equalities, industrial relations, training policies, & economics. Over the last 10 years the Foundation has built up a solid portfolio of work on gender equality, through its co-ordination and partnership role in many European projects. It has considerable experience of managing European projects, and of managing international expert groups, including the Commission’s EGGE Network (Employment and Gender Equality), the EGGSI group (Gender Equality, social inclusion, health and long-term care), and since this year, the ENEGE network (European Network of Experts in Gender Equality). It has recently launched an online review, dealing with gender equality from an economic and sociological perspective.
On gender and science, FGB has been a partner in two EC projects: the Meta-analysis of Gender and Science Research (coordinated by Maria Caprile when she was based at the Centre d’Iniciatives i Recerques Europees a la Mediterrànea (CIREM)), and the Wonbit (Women on biotechnologies: feminist and scientific approach) project, with Associazione Donna e Scienza (Italy). It is now leading the FP7 Gender in Science and Technology LAB – GENIS LAB.