Gender Equality Unit, Ministry of Social Affairs, Finland

About (original language): 


Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriöön sijoitettu Suomen hallituksen tasa-arvoyksikkö (TASY)

  • valmistelee ja kehittää hallituksen tasa-arvopolitiikkaa
  • valmistelee ja kehittää tasa-arvolainsäädäntöä
  • edistää sukupuolten tasa-arvon valtavirtaistamista valtionhallinnossa
  • hoitaa EU:n tasa-arvojuridiikkaan ja -politiikkaan sekä kansainvälisiin asioihin liittyviä tehtäviä.

Lisäksi yksikköön on hallinnollisesti sijoitettu tasa-arvoasiain neuvottelukunnan pääsihteeri, suunnittelija ja osastosihteeri.

About (English translation): 
Ministry of Social Affairs in Finland is responsible for gender equality promotion. The Gender Equality Unit of the Ministry is preparing and developing the governmental gender equality policy, prepares and develops gender equality legislation, promotes gender mainstreaming in state administration and is in charge of tasks related to EU gender equality legislation and international issues. Website of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, April 16, 2014: Gender equality has long been a core value in Finland. It is enshrined in the Constitution and, more specifically, in the Act on Equality between Women and Men (Equality Act). The MSAH (Ministry of Social Affairs and Health) plays a key role in promoting gender equality by ◾preparing legislation ◾monitoring the situation of gender equality nationwide ◾coordinating the development of activities on gender equality ◾promoting the implementation of the objectives of the government's equality policy. The main themes of Finnish gender equality promotion are ◾gender mainstreaming ◾equality in working life ◾equal pay ◾equality in training ◾women and decision-making ◾the reconciliation of work and family life ◾preventing violence against women ◾men and equality. The principles of equality in Finland also encompass equality regardless of age, origin, language, religious belief, or health. The MSAH is responsible for implementing equality in workplaces via the network of occupational safety and health inspectorates. Overall, equality matters in Finland are the remit of the Ministry of the Interior. Every four years the MSAH and Statistics Finland publish the Equality Barometer, which reports on the state of gender equality in the country and the gendered division of work and power relations in different areas of life.
Postal address: 
Ministry of Social Affairs, P.O.Box 33
FI-00023 Helsinki
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