Million Women Mentors (MWM)

About (original language): 

Million Women Mentors (MWM) supports the engagement of one million Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) mentors (male and female) to increase the interest and confidence of girls and women to persist and succeed in STEM programs and careers. MWM is an initiative of STEMconnector in collaboration with over 60+ partners reaching over 30 million girls and women, 45+ corporate sponsors, and 35+ state leadership teams. Through the engagement of one million mentors, goals of MWM initiative are to: 1. Increase the percentage of high school girls planning to pursue STEM careers. 2. Increase the percentage of young women pursuing undergraduate degrees in STEM fields. 3. Increase the percentage of women staying and advancing in STEM careers through supporting workforce mentoring programs.

Postal address: 
1200 New Hampshire Ave NW, Suite 820
New Hampshire, WA DC 20036
United States
Gender and Science taxonomy: 

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