Building Gender Equality through gender budgeting for Institutional Transformation
About (English version):
Increasing women’s representation in leadership and decision-making is a priority in many sectors. Achieving a gender balance in research institutions in Bosnia, Serbia and Turkey is a priority for the EU-funded BUDGET IT project. Assisted by leading universities in Spain and Italy, the project will use gender+ budgeting as a tool to advance gender equality plans, which are often implemented without the necessary commitment of resources. In this context, the project will integrate gender+ budgeting into the gender equality plans. It will also develop planning that is tailored and inclusive. By the end of the project, partner institutions will have produced an integrated, inclusive gender+ equality plan and gender+ budget.
Sunday, January 1, 2023 to Wednesday, December 31, 2025
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Scientific discipline:
Gender and Science taxonomy:
Submitted 1 year 5 months ago by joerg.