The culture of scientific research in the UK

About (English version): 

In 2013, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics embarked upon a series of engagement activities that aimed to inform and advance debate about the ethical consequences of the culture of scientific research in terms of encouraging good research practice and the production of high quality science. Under the guidance of a Steering Group, the activities of the project included:
• An online survey that received 970 responses.
• Fifteen discussion events co-hosted with universities around the UK involving around 740 speakers and participants.
• Evidence-gathering meetings with funding bodies, publishers and editors of scientific research, and academics from the social sciences.
Most of the people who took part in our activities are involved in research being undertaken at higher education institutions (HEIs). A wide range of views, perceptions and experiences about scientific research in HEIs were raised, and these are summarised in this report

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