Gender, climate change and adaptation. Introduction to the gender dimensions Background Paper prepared for the Both ENDS BRIEFING PAPER »Adapting to climate change: How local experiences can shape the debate«, August 2007.

About (English version): 

This paper aims at introducing why gender is an important factor in climate change debates and particularly in adaptation to climate change. It starts with a brief overview of gender aspects in climate change and a description of the impacts of climate change on women’s lives. How these gender aspects and women’s needs are taken into account in climate change debates, what is needed to implement gender mainstreaming in adaptation programmes and measures, and how to assure that women benefit from adaptation funds is discussed subsequently. In the end you will find a list of gender dimensions which should be taken into account in planning and implementation of measures that aim at adapting to climate change. These dimensions are based on the (very limited) data currently available on gender and climate change. 

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