Monitoring of ERA priority 4 implementation

About (English version): 

European Research Area (ERA) Priority 4 focuses on gender equality and gender mainstreaming in research and innovation. The objective is to foster scientific excellence and a breadth of research approaches by fully utilising gender diversity and equality and avoiding an indefensible waste of talent. Within their National Action Plans (NAPs), European UnionMember States and Associated Countries are asked to develop policies which address gender imbalances particularly at senior levelsandin decision making and which strengthen the gender dimension in research.

The report builds on the results of the first report on NAP implementation and pursues a threefold aim:

  1. to provide a set of indicators for monitoring NAP implementation,
  2. to assess NAP implementation based on these indicators, and
  3. to formulate recommendations for the next period of ERA implementation.
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Digital Document (pdf, doc, ppt, txt, etc.)
Geographic provenance: 
Czech Republic
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