Special Issue of Gender & Society: “Gender Transformations of Higher Education Institutions”

About (English version): 

Call for submissions: Special Issue of Gender & Society: “Gender Transformations of Higher Education Institutions”
Guest Editor: Julia McQuillan (University of Nebraska)
Guest Deputy Editors: Sheryl Skaggs (University of Texas, Dallas) and Kevin Stainback (Purdue University)


With the focus on “Gender Transformations of Higher Education Institutions”, we encourage submissions that include, but are not limited to leadership, intersectionality, power differentials, policies, organizations, social psychology, identities, sexuality, race/ethnicity, social movements, and comparative and international studies. All submissions should include some aspect of the strengths and weaknesses of recent attempts to transform institutions of  higher education, what works, what does not work, and why.

All papers must make both a theoretical and empirical contribution to the study of gender.

Completed manuscripts, due February 1, 2019, should be submitted online to http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/gendsoc and should specify in the cover letter that the paper is to be considered for the special issue.

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