Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering

Users related with the taxonomy term SCIENTIFIC DISCIPLINE

Displaying 10 firsts users sorted by User Points
Name Scientific discipline Country Area of Gender Expertise Stakeholder group
jminguillona's picture jminguillona Engineering and technology, Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering Spain Science stakeholders, Teachers, educators, learners
TÄRINN's picture TÄRINN Engineering and technology, Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering Catalonia
Vicky Moumtzi's picture Vicky Moumtzi Engineering and technology, Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering Greece Gender in computer sciences Science stakeholders, Science- & HR managers in science
namsor's picture namsor Engineering and technology, Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering France Gender Gender equality stakeholders, Women scientists’ organizations
emgarcia's picture emgarcia Engineering and technology, Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering
lendak Natural sciences, Computer and information sciences Serbia Gender in computer sciences Science stakeholders, Teachers, educators, learners
orenlederman's picture orenlederman Engineering and technology, Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering USA United States of America Science stakeholders, Scientists & Researcher
claudiamelo's picture claudiamelo Natural sciences, Computer and information sciences Brazil Gender in computer sciences Science stakeholders, Scientists & Researcher
dibby Engineering and technology, Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering Germany Science stakeholders, Research councils and funding bodies
eprieper Engineering and technology, Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering Spain