GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Social sciences

Author Post date Title
Margaret Alston
2016-Feb-23 Gender mainstreaming and climate change
Margaret Alston
2016-Feb-23 Women and adaptation
Margaret Alston
2016-Feb-23 Social impacts of reduced water availability in Australia’s Murray Darling Basin: adaptation or maladaptation
Margaret Alston
2016-Feb-23 Are climate challenges reinforcing child and forced marriage and dowry as adaptation strategies in the context of Bangladesh?
Elaine Enarson
2016-Feb-9 G.I.R.R.L. Project video
Elaine Enarson
2016-Feb-9 Climate justice/gender justice, poster
Elaine Enarson
2016-Feb-9 Meeting Climate Challenges in the US & Beyond: Building On Women’s Leadership, webinar talk
Elaine Enarson
2016-Feb-9 Working with women at risk: Practical guidelines for assessing local disaster risk (project guidelines)
Elaine Enarson
2016-Feb-9 Women and Climate Change, 2011 undergraduate syllabus
Elaine Enarson
2016-Feb-9 Sex and Gender Differences in Extreme Heat Events: Building a Collaborative Knowledge Base for Adaptation to Climate Change, Health Canada Science Forum poster, Enarson 2008
Mieke Verloo
2016-Feb-9 Prof. Dr. Mieke Verloo on Gender Equality Policies in Europe
Mieke Verloo
2016-Feb-8 Sisyphus' sisters. Can gender mainstreaming escape the genderedness of organizations?
Mieke Verloo
2016-Feb-8 Multiple Meanings of Gender Equality: A Critical Frame Analysis of Gender Policies in Europe
Mieke Verloo
2016-Feb-4 Multiple Inequalities, Intersectionality and the European Union
Author Post date Title
2016-Feb-19 Klima braucht Wandel. Potenziale der Genderforschung nutzen(Climate needs change: maximizing the potential of gender studies)
Author Post date Title
2016-Feb-19 Genanet
2016-Feb-17 European Sustainability Academy
2016-Feb-17 Paris Pionnieres
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2016-Jan-26 GenderInSITE
Author Post date Title
Mieke Verloo
2016-Feb-8 Mageeq: Policy frames and implementation problems: The case of gender mainstreeming