National Contact Point (NCP)

Content related with this taxonomy term:

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Users related with the taxonomy term STAKEHOLDER GROUP

Displaying 10 firsts users sorted by User Points
Name Scientific discipline Country Area of Gender Expertise Stakeholder group
Catherine Holt United Kingdom of Great Britain (UK) Policy stakeholders, National Contact Point (NCP)
Alex Harris United Kingdom of Great Britain (UK) Policy stakeholders, National Contact Point (NCP)
Genevra Kirby United Kingdom of Great Britain (UK) Policy stakeholders, National Contact Point (NCP)
Cédric Höllmüller Switzerland Policy stakeholders, National Contact Point (NCP)
barna's picture barna Humanities, Languages and literature Romania Gender Science stakeholders, Scientists & Researcher
Stojan Sorčan Slovenia Policy stakeholders, National Contact Point (NCP)
Denise Erpen Switzerland Policy stakeholders, National Contact Point (NCP)
Temesgen lerebo's picture Temesgen lerebo Social sciences, Educational sciences Ethiopia Social topics (Women's and gender studies) Policy stakeholders, Education & training policy makers
Jane Watkins United Kingdom of Great Britain (UK) Policy stakeholders, National Contact Point (NCP)
Derek Gallaher United Kingdom of Great Britain (UK) Policy stakeholders, National Contact Point (NCP)