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Users related with the taxonomy term AREA OF GENDER EXPERTISE

Displaying 10 firsts users sorted by User Points
Name Scientific discipline Country Area of Gender Expertise Stakeholder group
s.heidari's picture s.heidari Medical and health sciences, Basic medicine Switzerland Gender, Gender in basic medicine Science stakeholders, Scientists & Researcher
Maria Olivella-... Social sciences Spain Gender, Gender in law, criminology and penology Science stakeholders, Policy stakeholders
vanessa M. Cortes Social sciences, Psychology Andorra Gender in psychology, Gender in social sciences
Lieketseng Social sciences, Humanities South Africa Gender, Gender in engineering and technology Policy stakeholders, Gender equality stakeholders
Doris Woolcott Medical and health sciences, Social sciences Peru Gender in health sciences, Gender in psychology Gender equality stakeholders
CAPUTXETA Social sciences Spain Gender in education, Gender in health sciences Gender equality stakeholders
AnkeK Europe Gender history, Gender in aeronautics
malegreh's picture malegreh Humanities, History and archaeology Peru Gender in history, Sexuality Science stakeholders, Scientists & Researcher
Sandra Unbehaum's picture Sandra Unbehaum Social sciences, Interdisciplinary Brazil Gender, Gender in education Gender equality stakeholders
Paula Otero Social sciences, Political Science Spain Gender in political sciences, Gender research Science stakeholders, Scientists & Researcher