
Content related with this taxonomy term:

Displaying 1 - 20 of 145
Created by Post date Title
ESF 2024-Apr-03 ACCTING Factsheet: Local is beautiful
ESF 2024-Apr-03 ACCTING Factsheet: Inclusive civil society for an inclusive Green Deal
BEO's picture BEO 2024-Jan-22 Regulation and provision of abortion compared (abridged version)
BEO's picture BEO 2023-Oct-31 Self-determination under pressure? The right to abortion in Europe
MarinaRad 2022-Sep-05 Toolbox for gender-neutral, diversity-oriented institutional communication
Matthew Hall's picture Matthew Hall 2021-Jun-21 The transnationalisation of online sexual violation: the case of ‘revenge pornography’ as...
gigi guizzo's picture gigi guizzo 2020-Dec-09 #HITproject best practice manual for youth empowerment
Maria Jose Romano's picture Maria Jose Romano 2020-Sep-02 Opinion: In the wake of COVID-19, academia needs new solutions to ensure gender equity
arroyo_lidia's picture arroyo_lidia 2020-May-13 Coronavirus Knowledge Hub- Gender, Sex and Sexualities
Jelena 2020-May-11 Croatia: Their path towards gender equality with an emphasis to academia and research
Angela Townsend's picture Angela Townsend 2020-May-06 Exploring the workplace for LGBT+ Physical Scientists
Jelena 2020-Jan-03 E-learning - Gender Equality in Academia (Part III. - GE in Academia)
Jelena 2020-Jan-03 E-learning - Gender Equality in Academia (Part II. - Equality)
Jelena 2020-Jan-03 E-learning - Gender Equality in Academia (Part I. - Gender)
Jelena 2020-Jan-03 E-learning - GEAR Tool - Steps 1 and 2
Jelena 2019-Dec-06 The Power of Reflection and Community in SPEAR
Jelena 2019-Dec-06 Gender equality benefits for the University
Jelena 2019-Dec-06 Experience of the Vilnius University in promoting diversity and equal opportunities
Maria Jose Romano's picture Maria Jose Romano 2019-Dec-02 ACT- Co-Creation Toolkit - Visual Methods