GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.


Area of expertise, interest, main activities...
About you (please use English)
Gender in science, innovation, technology and engineering (SITE) is an international initiative to promote the role of women in science, innovation, technology and engineering, and to demonstrate how applying a gender lens to SITE can provide deeper insights, more effective programmes and more sustainable outcomes in the context of development.We build partnerships among GenderInSITE members to identify, understand, and develop strategies to apply the gender lens to SITE in six key areas: agriculture and food security; water and sanitation; energy; transportation; climate change and disaster & risk reduction; and science education & the workforce. By working with networks of researchers and policy-makers, we are mapping the nuances of local development challenges – and addressing them through information dissemination, tools and resources and awareness-raising activities. Currently GenderInSITE has two regional focal points in Southern Africa and Latin America & the Caribbean.
Scientific discipline

Member for

7 years 11 months