GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Rodrigo Rosa

Area of Gender Expertise
Country coverage
Skills and track record

2009 - Ph.D, Sociology, University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL)
Classification: Summa cum laude

2021 - Referee for the Journal of Gender Studies

2019 -present - Guest Editor of the Special Issue “Gender in Higher Education and Research”, Journal of Gender Studies

2019 - Trainer co-responsible for the Gender and Diversity Workshop for Administrative Managers. Held in University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL). June 28

2019 - Expert for the “Think Tank on Natality in Portugal – Measures and Proposals” (Grupo de Reflexão para a Natalidade em Portugal – Medidas e Propostas”

2018 - Independent Expert for ÖSB Consulting (area: gender equality and public policies)

2017-2019 - Member of the “SAGE - Systemic Action for Gender Equality” (EU-Horizon 2020 funded project), Centre for Research and Social Intervention (CIS-IUL), University Institute of Lisbon.

2016 - Participation in the “Men’s Roles in a Gender Equality Perspective” research project, approved by the Financial Mechanism of EEA Grants, Programme Area PT07 – Integration of Gender Equality and Promoting Work-Life Balance, CITE and ICS-UL

2005 - 2007 - Co-coordinator of “The Media and the Construction of Gender Representations in the Portuguese Social Reality” research project, University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL), funded by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT) (PIHM/SOC/49820/2003).

2016 - Referee for the Ex-Aequo - Journal of the Portuguese Women’s Studies Association

Track record


2017 Wall, Karin, Cunha, Vanessa, Atalaia, Susana, Rodrigues, Leonor, Correia, Rita, Correia, Sónia Vladimira and Rosa, Rodrigo. White Book - Men and Gender Equality in Portugal. Lisbon: ICS-UL/CITE. Available at

2013 Rosa, Rodrigo. Casamento e Desigualdade. Uma Análise da Diferenciação Social no Casal (Marriage and inequality. An analysis of social differentiation within the couple). Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais

Chapters in books

2020 Rosa, Rodrigo, Drew, Eileen, and Canavan, Siobhán. An Overview of Gender Inequality in EU Universities. In: Drew, Eileen and Canavan, Siobhán (eds), The Gender-Sensitive University. A Contradiction in Terms? London: Routledge, 1-15

2020 Rosa, Rodrigo and Clavero, Sara. The Challenge of Neoliberalism and Precarity for Gender Sensitivity in Academia. In: Drew, Eileen and Canavan, Siobhán (eds), The Gender-Sensitive University. A Contradiction in Terms? London: Routledge, 16-27
2016 Rosa, Rodrigo and Lorga, Catarina. Conclusões da Conferência. In: Cunha, Vanessa, Vilar, Duarte, Wall, Karin, Lavinha, João and Pereira, Paulo Trigo (eds), A(s) Problemática(s) da Natalidade em Portugal. Uma Questão Social, Económica e Política (Natality issues in Portugal. A Social, Economic and Political Question). Lisbon: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 295-301

Peer-reviewed journal articles

2018 Rosa, Rodrigo. The Consequences of Gender in Homogamic Couples. Sociology 52(1): 39-54. DOI: 10.1177/0038038516645752

2016 Rosa, Rodrigo, Lorga, Catarina and Lyonette, Clare. Marriage and Gender Inequality: Work-family Arrangements of Portuguese and British Highly Qualified Women. Community, Work & Family 19(4): 414-437. DOI: 10.1080/13668803.2015.1040738

Official Reports

2018 Rosa, Rodrigo. “The EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality - Instruments to foster long-term paternal involvement in family - Comments Paper - Portugal”: European Commission
Available at
2016 Wall, Karin, Cunha, Vanessa, Atalaia, Susana, Rodrigues, Leonor, Correia, Rita, Correia, Sónia Vladimira and Rosa, Rodrigo. Policy Brief III. Main Conclusions and Recommendations of the White Book Men and Gender Equality in Portugal. Lisbon: ICS-UL/CITE
Available at


2019 Keynote speaker (as expert): Final Event of SAGE (Systemic Action for Gender Rquality) project “SAGE Legacy – Tools & Outputs”, held in Marivaux Hotel, Brussels, Belgium, July 10
2019 Invited speaker (as expert): II International Conference on Technology and Equality (EQUALITECH’2109) "Inequalities and Gender Policies in the University Context", round tables “Gender Policies in the University Context: assumptions and realities” and “Gender & Technology in Context (education, research, industry, politic)”, held in Fraterna – Centre for Communication and Social Solidarity, Guimarães, Portugal, March 21
2019 Participant (as expert): Official Meeting of the H2020 EQUAL-IST (Gender Equality Plans for Information Sciences and Technology Research Institutions) project, held in University of Minho, School of Engineering, Guimarães, February 22
2018 Participant (as independent expert): Seminar “Instruments to foster long-term paternal involvement in family work” - within the scope of the EU Mutual Learning Programme in Gender Equality, which is implemented by the European Commission – held in the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), Berlin, Germany, October 4-5
2018 Invited speaker: “Discursos de Estudantes do Ensino Superior sobre Igualdade de Género. Um estudo qualitativo no âmbito do SAGE” (Student’s Discourses on gender equality. A Qualitative Study Under Sage”, presented in the section “Representações, Discursos e Violências em Torno do Género – Apresentação de trabalhos a decorrer no âmbito da Linha GSI” (Gender Representations, Discourses and Violence) at the 2nd International Conference on Gender Sexualities and Intersectionality, held in University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL), Portugal, September 28
2018 Co-presenter: “Discourses on gender equality in higher education. A Portuguese case study”, presented in the session “Structural Change 1: Contextual Perspectives for Institutional Transformation” at the 10th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, Trinity Centre for Gender Equality and Leadership, held in the Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, August 20
2018 Invited speaker (as chair): “Igualdade entre H&M. Onde estamos?” (Gender Equality. Where are we?), Ciclo Tertúlias “A falar é que a gente se entende” (Meeting Series “By talking we come to understand each other”), held in University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL), Portugal, May 22
2016 Invited speaker: “Men’s roles in the labour market and on work-life balance: results and recommendations” at the conference “Men’s Roles in a Gender Equality Perspective – Final Conference of the Project”, held in the Institute of Social Sciences (ICS), University of Lisbon, Portugal, October 14

Member for

4 years