“European Women Researchers Day” – an initiative to jointly celebrate the Women in Science in several EU research institutions

UAIC Centre for Gender Equality in Science

“European Women Researchers Day” – an initiative to jointly celebrate the Women in Science in several EU research institutions

First European edition, 28 March 2014
Co-organizers: CNRS France, Paris and UAIC, Iași, Romania

The National Center for Scientific Research – CNRS France (direction Mission for the Place of Women) and the “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania (Centre for Gender Equality in Science), both currently involved in FP7 projects on Structural changes aiming to promote gender equality in science (INTEGER and STAGES respectively), have had the initiative to launch the “European Women Researchers Day” as a special annual occasion to jointly celebrate the Women in Science in several EU research institutions. The European Women Researchers Day is conceived to be an annual event taking place simultaneously in different research and higher education institutions around Europe which share a commitment to scientific excellence through gender equality. Its objective is to contribute to the career development of women researchers by increasing their visibility and creating opportunities for exchange and networking at the European and international level. The launching of the European Women Researchers Day took place on the 28th March 2014, with events being held at the CNRS France and the UAIC Iasi, Romania. Partner organisations have joined the events on site and via videoconferences and the internet. The objectives and the activities foreseen in the programme of EWRD 2014 have been presented on the websites www.womenresearchersday.eu, or www.womenresearchersday.com, especially created to provide information on this initiative and also on our website (link).

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