November 2017

Tuesday, November 21, 2017 - 11:50

Rachel Herbert (Senior Market Intelligence Manager, Strategy at Elsevier) explains the main characteristics of the field of Gender Research according to analysis produced by Elsevier, one of the most popular information and analytics companies in the academic field. In this video Herbert exposes why Gender as a research field is growing relatively more than other disciplines, what are the countries leading this growth and its shape, networks and main topics.

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Friday, November 3, 2017 - 13:02

Lotta Strandberg on on the Gender Paradox in Science and Innovation in Nordic Countries

Senior adviser, NordForsk; Associate professor, Bergen University College, Norway.


The “gender paradox” is a concept that describes that even if Nordic Countries achieve great rates at gender equality indexes, when focusing on the Research and Innovation field they rate at the European average (and sometimes below). In this video Strandberg addresses the causes of this phenomenon and the actions taken by Nordforsk in order to tackle it.  


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