e-Discussion on Incorporating Gender into H2020 Climate & Environment Research

When researching the interaction between natural resources and humans, it is essential to incorporate a gender perspective to ensure non-biased results as established in Horizon 2020.

The e-discussion aims to bring together current approaches for incorporating gender into climate action and environmental research broadly understood. It aims to provide concrete examples how a gender perspective not only can be integrated into research projects under the H2020 call “Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials” but also contributes to produce research that is of better quality, higher impact and social relevance. The online discussion is aimed at both gender and non-gender experts, particularly researchers in natural and life sciences.

The discussion will take place over two days. During the first session, invited experts will outline recent developments for thinking together gender and climate action. The second session, then dives more specifically into concrete examples and ways to integrate a gender perspective into research. Participants are invited to actively participate in the discussion presenting their own research, methodologies or ask the expert panel directly.

In order to participate, you need to register on GenPORT and subscribe to the Climate Action discussion group.


Tuesday, February 23, 2016 - 14:00 to Wednesday, February 24, 2016 - 17:00
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Kirsten Halsnaes's picture

My approach to integrating gender issues in challenge 5 is to have separate sub-components in project WP's, where gender aspects are considered. I am right now working on issues related to decarbonisation and green Growth in Europe, and we are here trying to focus on how changes in economic structures will influence gender aspects of employment. An interesting report was published on these issues were published up to the World Economic Forum last year. Another interesting issue in relation to gender and climate change policies is behavoiur.

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