Career development

Everything dealing career advancement; cooling out; “leaky pipeline”; support measures.

Content related with this taxonomy term:

Displaying 221 - 240 of 254
Created by Post date Title
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2014-Feb-03 RESCAR Report on researchers careers
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2014-Feb-03 Eurodoc Survey I: The first Eurodoc Survey on Doctoral Candidates in Twelve European count...
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2014-Feb-03 Careers in Research Online Survey (CROS) 2013 UK aggregate results
joerg's picture joerg 2014-Jan-31 Closing the Gender Gap - Act Now.
Juliet Webster's picture Juliet Webster 2014-Jan-07 Under-representation by gender and race in apprenticeships
Rachel Palmén's picture Rachel Palmén 2013-Dec-16 Meta-analysis of gender and science research – Country group report UK and Ireland countri...
Rachel Palmén's picture Rachel Palmén 2013-Dec-16 Meta-analysis of gender and science research – Country group report Nordic countries
Rachel Palmén's picture Rachel Palmén 2013-Dec-16 Meta-analysis of gender and science research – Country group report Eastern countries
Rachel Palmén's picture Rachel Palmén 2013-Dec-04 Meta-analysis of Gender and Science Research: Southern Country Group Report
Juliet Webster's picture Juliet Webster 2013-Nov-04 Evaluation of Inclusive Entrepreneurship Programmes
Juliet Webster's picture Juliet Webster 2013-Oct-22 STEM Faculty and Parental Leave: Understanding an Institution's Policy within a Natio...
Juliet Webster's picture Juliet Webster 2013-Oct-18 The Gender Gap in Science
Juliet Webster's picture Juliet Webster 2013-Oct-18 Understanding current causes of women ’ s underrepresentation in science
lhusu's picture lhusu 2013-Aug-31 Female research talents - the unused reserve of Danish research
lhusu's picture lhusu 2013-Aug-15 Observations on Gender Equality in a Selection of the Swedish Research Council's Eval...
kamila_k_benova's picture kamila_k_benova 2013-Aug-13 Gender equality in the Lithuanian sytem of education and science