Legislation, regulation and compliance

For example: gaps in legislation, or equality measures are only half-heartedly implemented or not at all; lack of compliance with equality legislation.

Content related with this taxonomy term:

Displaying 1 - 20 of 119
Created by Post date Title
BEO's picture BEO 2023-Oct-31 Self-determination under pressure? The right to abortion in Europe
BEO's picture BEO 2022-Oct-11 Equality of Rainbow families
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Feb-15 Prostitution in Belgium: Federal Legislation and Regulation at the Local Level
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Feb-12 Regulatory Approaches Towards Prostitution in European Comparison
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Feb-12 Regulation of Prostitution in Bulgaria, Romania and the Czech Republic
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Feb-12 Prostitution in Europe between Regulation and Prohibition: Comparing Legal Situations and...
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Jan-25 Awareness and Application of CEDAW in the Judicial Systems of Germany and France
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Jan-25 The 2030 Agenda and the goal of gender equality- European approaches in comparison
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Jan-20 Persecution on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity- asylum rights, proce...
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Jan-20 LGBTI Rights. Germany in a European Comparison
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Jan-20 LGBTI policies in Europe- Overview and Outlook
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Jan-20 Perspectives on the new LGBTI strategy announced by the European Commission
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Jan-18 Violence against women- On the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Finland
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Jan-18 Violence against women- On the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Denmark
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Jan-18 Violence against women- On the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Austria
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Jan-18 Violence against women- On the implementation of the Istanbul Convention in Denmark, Finla...
Sergi Yanes 2020-Nov-26 Gendered Innovations 2: How Inclusive Analysis Contributes to Research and Innovation: Pol...