
Content related with this taxonomy term:

Displaying 1 - 20 of 22
Created by Post date Title
Laufey 2020-Sep-04 Gender Budgeting: Step-by-step toolkit
Laufey 2020-Jan-23 Gender Budgeting: the experiences of University of Iceland
Laufey 2020-Jan-23 Gender Budgeting: background and application in RPO
Laufey 2020-Jan-15 Lombardo, E., Meier, P. and Verloo, M. eds., 2009. The discursive politics of gender equal...
Laufey 2020-Jan-15 Tackling Inequalities through Gender Budgeting
Laufey 2020-Jan-15 Mainstreaming Politics: Gendering Practices and Feminist Theory
Laufey 2020-Jan-15 Framework of Favourable Conditions for Gender Budgeting
admin's picture admin 2019-Oct-25 Gender budgeting: practical implementation handbook
admin's picture admin 2019-Oct-25 Testing the concept of academic housework in an European setting: Part of academic career...
admin's picture admin 2019-Oct-25 Gender Budgeting to Expose Inequalities in a Precarious Academia – and Redistribute Resour...
admin's picture admin 2019-Oct-25 New managerialism in the academy: Gender bias and precarity
admin's picture admin 2019-Oct-25 Gender budgeting in education from a wellbeing approach: An application to Italy and Spain
admin's picture admin 2019-Oct-25 Guidelines for Gender Mainstreaming in Academia
admin's picture admin 2019-Oct-25 Gender Budgeting as a Management Strategy for Gender Equality at Universities
admin's picture admin 2019-Oct-25 Gender Mainstreaming in Public Financing of Universities: Central Findings for Germany
admin's picture admin 2019-Oct-25 GARCIA Gender Budgeting in Academia Toolkit
admin's picture admin 2019-Oct-25 Gender Impact Assessment
admin's picture admin 2019-Oct-25 Video about GM in academic and research organisations
admin's picture admin 2019-Oct-25 Final Report Summary - GENIS LAB (The Gender in Science and Technology LAB – GENIS LAB)
admin's picture admin 2019-Oct-25 Gender Equality in Academia and Research