Digital Document (pdf, doc, ppt, txt, etc.)

About (English version): 

These posters were done for an anti-harassment campaign to give visibility to the park's protocols and policies regarding harassment and discrimination. They are PDFs but if interested in some part of the poster in other formats, please get in touch!

Designed by Salvador Regàs. Produced by the PRBB EDI Committee.

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posters, images, campaign
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Digital Document (pdf, doc, ppt, txt, etc.)
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Ljubljana Declaration on Gender Equality in Research and Innovation

The Ljubljana Declaration was a collaborative effort of the current and upcoming Trio Presidencies, building on the Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025. It was developed through a bottom-up process, harnessing experts' views.

The Declaration presents the following six key priorities and activities for the new ERA:

• Ensure fair, open, inclusive and gender equal career paths in research, and consider intersectional perspectives on gender inequalities;

• Facilitate mutual learning opportunities through form-follows-function robust governance;

• Employ existing and newly developed tools, such as Gender Equality Plans, to facilitate systemic institutional change and remove institutional barriers.

• Address and counteract gender-based violence; including root causes and tackling obsolete power dynamics within research and academia.

• Support active and participative monitoring and evaluation to ensure continuous improvement; and

• Leverage synergies to enhance gender equality achievements within the European Research Area, but also within complementary fields such as the European Higher Education Area, structural funds, innovation, as well as in international cooperation.

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About (English version): 

Women’s representation in academia decreases the higher up the academic ladder – culminating in the very small percentage of women in decision-making posts, on boards and in committees and as heads of institutions. In 2017 only 27% of board members (including leaders), and 21.7% of heads of institutions in the higher education sector were women (EC, 2019, p. 115). Women in the EU 28 made up only 24% of full professors (Grade A) in 2016 (ibid). Various policies and interventions have been developed at the European, Member State and institutional levels to foster gender equality in decision-making in research and innovation. At the European level, in the ERA Communication, 2012 framework, ‘gender balance’ in decision-making was identified as one of the three objectives of one of the six priority areas: Gender Equality and Gender Mainstreaming.

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“Intersectionality and its application in health research is an emerging research paradigm that seeks to ‘move beyond single or typically favoured categories of analysis (e.g. sex, gender, ‘race’ and class) to consider simultaneous interactions between different aspects of social identity, as well as the impact of systems and processes of oppression and domination.’ (7). Intersectional analysis enables a multi-faceted exploration of how factors of privilege and penalty may alternate between contexts or occur simultaneously (8). Intersectionality is not additive; you should consider how human and social characteristics such as age, gender, sex, ability, disability, ethnicity, sexuality, etc. interact to shape individual experience at a given point or time.” (World Health Organization, 2020:10).

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