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Research has identified how gender equality initiatives and policies in R&I can often fail during the phase of implementation (Palmén and Kalpazidou Schmidt, 2019) thereby resulting in an absence of deep-seated change and the failure to effectively challenge gender norms (Powell et al, 2018). In the phase of implementation resistance has been identified as one of the main reasons as to why gender equality initiatives in R&I may fail to create and sustain effective change. This often manifests itself through the all too discernable gap between ‘saying’ and ‘doing’ (Powell et al, 2018). Whilst there seems to be a general consensus as to the benefits of a greater gender equality at the level of discourse it is often at the level of actions or practice that these initiatives begin to run into a series of problems that stymie their potential to effect real change, one of the most important being resistance.

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About (English version): 

Integrating sex and gender analysis into research and innovation (R&I) enhances the quality and impact of scientific results as well as products and services developed for the market. Given the historic under-representation of women in science and certain areas of the labor market, it is not surprising that knowledge itself is biased, having a higher male footprint.

The failures to consider and integrate gender dimensions in study design and innovation processes perpetuates significant biases and gaps in knowledge which limit
the relevance of science to society at best or is outright dangerous and life-threatening at worst.

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Participatory Modeling. Gender Inequalities in Research Organisations
Delivered by: Dr Inge Bleijenbergh

Participatory Modeling or Group Model Building involves all stakeholders coming together to (1) understand gender/intersectional inequalities in their institutions and (2) identify levers for change in a collaborative way. The co-created causal loop diagrams reveal the dynamic structure underlying inequality and discrimination and show the feedback processes at play. This helps to visualise how potential changes and interventions in the system can be implemented. Causal loop diagram software packages are available to download from various sources with free options (e.g. Vensim PLE for educational use).

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What Next?. Managing the Transition to Independent CoPs.
Delivered by: Daniela Bultoc

How to transition to an independent CoP? Identify (1) the value of the CoP, (2) challenges, needs & opportunities for the CoP, (3) how to reshape the CoP, and (4) the role of the CoP Facilitator.

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