Research resources to help prepare Horizon 2020 proposals linked to the societal challenges themes

Are you planning to take part in the next phase of Horizon 2020 programme.  Here we list some key resources showing how gender fits into the six societal challenges prioritized in the H2020 programme for 2016-2017.  They will help you identify key research question and methods for analyzing gender issues relevant to health, food, energy, transport, climate change and environment, and inclusive societies.

Health, demographic change and wellbeing

  1. Ameratunga S, Hijar M, Norton R, Road-traffic injuries: confronting disparities to address a global-health problem Vol 367 May 6, 2006
  2. Berer M, Integration of Sexual and Reproductive Health Services: A Health Sector Priority, Editorial, 2003, Reproductive Health Matters 2003; 11(21): 6-15
  3. Rogers RG, Everett BG, Sain Onge JM, Krueger PM, Social, Behavioral, and Biological factors, and Sex Differences in Mortality. Demography, 2010, Aug; 47(3):555-578
  4. Cottingham J and Berer M, Access to essential medicines for sexual and reproductive health care: the role of the pharmaceutical industry and international regulation, Reproductive Health Matters, November 2011 Vol 19, Iss 38, pp 69-84
  5. Klein SL and Roberts CW (2015) Sex and Gender Differences in Infection and Treatments for Infectious Diseases. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland 2015

Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research, and the bio-economy

  1. Farnworth C and Jiggings J (2003) Box 3 pp24 in: Participatory Plant Breeding and Gender Analysis, CGIAR System wide Program on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis for Technology Development and Institutional Innovation, CIAT, Cali, Colombia.
  2. IIFET 2016 Special Session: “Gender Research as a New Frontier in Fisheries and Aquaculture Economics” at the IIFET 2016 conference in Aberdeen, Scotland – 12-15 July, 2016
  3. Anu Eskonheimo (2006) Women, Environmental Changes and Forestry-related Development: Gender-affected Roles of Rural People in Land Degradation
and Environmental Rehabilitation in a Dry Region of Sudan, PhD Dissertation, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki
  4. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2014) Gender in Food and Nutrition Security e-learning course
  5. Oldham P, Hall S, Forero O (2013) Biological Diversity in the Patent System. PLoS ONE 8(11): e78737. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.00

Secure, clean and efficient energy

  1. Clancy, J.; Oparaocha, S.; Roehr, U. (2004). Gender Equity and Renewable Energies. Thematic Background Paper for Renewables 2004, Bonn. Available at:
  2. Elnakat, A. and Gomez, J.D. (2015). Energy Engenderment: An Industrialized Perspective Assessing the Importance of Engaging Women in Residential Energy Consumption Management. Energy Policy. 82, 166-177
  3. Permana AS.; Norsiah AA. and Siong HC. (2015). Is mom energy efficient? A study of gender, household energy consumption and family decision making in Indonesia. Energy Research & Social Science. 6 (7): 78-86
  4. World Bank. 2013. Integrating Gender Considerations into Energy Operations. Washington, DC. World Bank.
  5. Fatema N (2005). The Impact of Structural Gender Differences and its Consequences on Access to Energy in Rural Bangladesh. World Bank, Washington, DC. World

Smart, green and integrated transport

  1. Bose, D, Segui-Gomez, M, Crandall, J R, (2011). Vulnerability of female drivers involved in motor vehicle crashes: An analysis of U.S. population at risk. American Journal of Public Health. 101 (12): 2368-73
  2. Hung DV, Stevenson MR, Ivers RQ. Prevalence of helmet use among motorcycle riders in Vietnam. Injury Prevention. 2006;12(6):409-413. doi:10.1136/ip.2006.012724.
  3. Tsai VW, Anderson CL, Vaca FE. Young female drivers in fatal crashes: recent trends, 1995---2004. Traffic Inj Prev. 2008;9(1):65---69.
  4. 5. Kunieda M. and Gauthier A. 2007, Gender and Urban Transport: Smart and Affordable Module 7a, GTZ Sector project, Transport Policy Advisory Service, Report Commisioned by Federl Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials

  1. Alston M and Whittenbury K (ed) (2013). Research, action and policy: addressing the gendered impacts of climate change. New York: Springer.
  2. Alber, G. (2015). Gender and Urban Climate Policy. Gender-Sensitive Policies Make a Difference. Ed. GIZ, UNHABITAT & GenderCC.
  3. Magnusdottir, G. and Kronsell, A., 2015. The (in)visibility of gender in Scandinavian climate policy-making. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 17:2, 308-326.
  4. Skinner, E. (2011). Gender and Climate Change. Overview Report, Brighton, United Kingdom: BRIDGE, Institute of Development Studies.
  5. UNDP (2009) Resource Guide on Gender and Climate Change, United Nations Development Programme.

Europe in a changing world - inclusive, innovative and reflective societies

  1. Vann B, 2004. Training Manual Facilitator’s Guide: Multi-sectoral and Interagency Prevention and Response to Gender-based Violence in Populations Affected by Armed Conflict, 2004, Global GBV Technical Support Project JSI Research & Training Institute RHRC Consortium
  2. Strengthening Gender Justice. Recommendations for the Sustainable Development Goals and the Post-2015 Development Agenda.  2013. UN Women’s Major Group. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
  3. UNICEF (2014) A Post-2015 World Fit for Children.
  4. Heise L, Ellsberg M, and Gottemoeller M (1999), “Ending Violence Against Women”, Population Reports, Series L. No. 11
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