GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.


Author Post date Title
arroyo_lidia 2016-Mar-8 Prof. Dr. Gloria Bonder on Gender in Science in Latin America
Henrietta Dale 2016-Feb-29 EIGE Gender Statistics Database
Nina Steinweg
2016-Feb-25 CEWSwiki
2016-Feb-9 Guidance for the selection of evaluators with gender expertise for proposals submitted under H2020 calls
2016-Feb-9 For a better integration of the gender dimension in Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2016-2017
Mieke Verloo
2016-Feb-8 Multiple Meanings of Gender Equality: A Critical Frame Analysis of Gender Policies in Europe
Mieke Verloo
2016-Feb-4 Multiple Inequalities, Intersectionality and the European Union
Issy Good
2016-Jan-28 The Gendered Drug Problem
Laura Getz 2016-Jan-27 GenPORT - Analysis of Policy Environments Report - Abbreviated Version
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2016-Jan-25 Analysis of women's participation in high-technology patenting
arroyo_lidia 2016-Jan-22 Gender Equality Glossary
Laura Getz 2016-Jan-7 Advancing gender equality in the European Research Area - Council conclusions (adopted on 01/12/2015)
arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-23 Advancing RTD through Gender-Fair Recruitment and Retention Strategies
Author Post date Title
Ana Proykova
2016-Mar-7 The Bulgarian Association of University Women
2016-Feb-17 European Sustainability Academy
2016-Feb-17 Paris Pionnieres
arroyo_lidia 2016-Jan-22 Gender Equality Commission
arroyo_lidia 2016-Jan-22 Council of Europe
Author Post date Title
Mieke Verloo
2016-Feb-8 Mageeq: Policy frames and implementation problems: The case of gender mainstreeming
Ana Proykova
2015-Dec-20 European Platform of Women Scientists