The European Women Rectors Association is happy to announce the "V. European Women Rectors Conference” which will take place at Solvay Library, Brussels on 29-30 May, 2017. The special focus of the conference will be on PIVOTING ON GENDER EQUALITY THROUGH THE LENS OF LEADERSHIP: POLICIES, STRATEGIES AND ACTIONS.
The first four of the Women Academics Beyond the Glass Ceiling: Women Rectors Across Europe conferences were organized biennially by the European Women Rectors Platform and hosted by Istanbul Technical University. Since under-representation of women in senior management in HE is still among the key gender equality issues, the series of Women Rectors conferences intended to examine the experiences of women leaders and discuss the strategies to remove the horizontal and vertical dimensions of occupational segregation. The conferences further aimed at achieving these objectives through the analysis and comparison of different international practices and policies. Since 2008, European Women Rectors conferences have attracted over 200 women leaders, encouraging us to reach wider audiences by extending the experience that we have gained so far.
2017 Conference aims to promote a better understanding of gender disparity in academic leadership by discussing the policies, strategies and actions employed in different European HE institutions for empowering women academics and achieving gender equality. We hope to reach women leaders in universities and research organizations, gender experts and members of higher education networks
The conference sessions will be organized around the following topics for which proposals will be accepted:
Empowering and Encouraging Women Academics: What works and what does not?
Ways of Dealing with Implicit Bias and Gender Blindness
Excellence in Promotion and Recruitment Processes
Networking and Visibility in the Career Game
Women Leaders as Role Models and Mentors
The Role of Women Leadership in Organizational Change
Change management and the role of change agents
Resistance to change in academic institutions
Overcoming resistances: strategies and recommendations
Gender Action Plans:
Design, implementation, evaluation, and response
Means to enhance the capacity for implementations
Strategies to overcome skepticism and challenges toward gender policies
Success stories, best practices, and lessons drawn from the experiences
We hope to reach women university leaders (active or former Rectors/Vice Chancellors/Presidents or Vice Rectors/Pro Vice Chancellors/Vice Presidents), EU representatives, representatives of major networks of higher education and gender experts. We cordially invite you to attend the 5th European Women Rectors Conference and look forward to work together for gender equality in the years to come. Please click here for registration:
For those who would like to make a contribution to the conference, please click here for abstract submission: