GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Gender Equality Academy | Summer School - Planning and Implementing Gender Equality Plans

Submitted by Vasia Madesi on Wed, 03/17/2021 - 12:48

Registration is open!

WHY: Gender Equality Plans (GEP) are a precondition for research and higher education institutions to apply for EC Horizon Europe research funding starting from the 2021 funding cycle. This summer course is targeted at participants from higher education institutions and aims to provide the basic skills and knowledge to develop and implement GEPs. 

The course builds on a structural understanding of gender inequalities, stereotypes and biases in research. It is grounded in the need to tackle gender inequality in its complex, multi-layered dimensions with a strategic view in mind and a holistic set of measures. In line with principles endorsed by the European Commission, we propose Gender Equality Plans as key tools for structural change.

The course will familiarize participants with different manifestations of gender inequality in higher education institutions and provide them with conceptual and practical tools to diagnose the state of gender equality in their own institutions and communicate findings in strategic ways. It will familiarize with designing and implementing GEPs to tackle problematic areas and monitor the results of implemented actions. The roadmap for GEPs will be explored in detail, including strategies to build institutional alliances with key stakeholders, handling resistances to gender equality and ensuring leadership support.


  • Academic staff
  • Gender Equality/Diversity/Equal Opportunity Officers and Senior Managers
  • Human Resources officers
  • Gender Equality Plan teams
  • Μid-level managers
  • Τeam or unit leaders affiliated with higher education institutions in Central Eastern Europe and ideally in positions that allow them to initiate action that makes the implementation of a GEP feasible

IMPORTANT NOTE: The maximum number of participants is 24. As seats are not unlimited, priority will be given to candidates corresponding to the target groups (please, check above "FOR WHOM") and those residing in Central and Eastern European countries (CEEs).

DATE: 5 - 9 July 2021

Application deadline: 31 March 2021 


GE Academy has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824585.

Scientific discipline
Type of event
Training school