free registration / places limited
The #USVreact project has developed and evaluated unique training programmes across six European countries, to help university staff respond to disclosures of sexual violence. Our one-day conference in London will present our research findings and share our training models, which will be made freely available on our website.
Morning panel sessions on supporting survivors and creating cultural change in universities will be followed by an afternoon keynote panel on our research, and world cafe style workshops where participants will practice our training techniques.
The conference will be relevant to academic researchers and VAWG educators and trainers, university managers and policy-makers. It will also be useful to all those who might use our training models with their teams, such as student support, welfare teams, HR, academic tutors, staff development managers, and Students’ Unions.
Immediately following the Universities UK sexual harassment and violence conference on November 8th, this event will offer focused discussion and practical resources to those who wish to support student survivors.
For information about the programme, London venue and free registration: