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Gender Equality Act Estonia

Submitted by kamila_k_benova on Thu, 03/30/2017 - 10:11
About (English version)

The Estonian Gender Equality Act was adopted in 2004 and amended in 2014. It also includes references related to the promotion of gender equality in research:

§ 10. Promotion of gender equality in education and training

Educational and research institutions and other organisations delivering training shall ensure equal treatment of men and women in vocational guidance, education, professional and vocational development and re-training. The curricula, study materials used and research conducted shall facilitate the abolishment of unequal treatment of women and men and promote equality.

§ 11. Employers as promoters of gender equality

(1) Upon the promotion of equal treatment of men and women, an employer shall:1) support that both women and men apply for vacant positions and that persons of both sexes are employed to fill vacant positions; 2) ensure that the number of women and men hired to different positions is as balanced as possible and ensure equal treatment on their promotion; 3) create working conditions which are suitable for both women and men and enhance the reconciliation of work and family life, taking into account the needs of employees; 4) ensure that employees are protected from gender-based harassment and sexual harassment in the working environment; 5) inform employees of the rights ensured by this Act; 6) regularly provide relevant information to employees and/or their representatives concerning equal treatment of women and men in the organisation and measures taken to promote equality.

(2) An employer shall collect sex-disaggregated statistical data concerning employment that allow, if necessary, the relevant institutions to monitor and assess whether the principle of equal treatment is complied with in employment relationships. The procedure for the collection of data and a list of data shall be established by the Government of the Republic by a regulation.

Type of resource
Type of intervention
Date created
Gender and Science taxonomy
Scientific discipline
Country coverage
Area of application
Intended target sector