GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

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Author Post date Title
chris h 2020-Mar-17 Fixing the Women or Fixing Universities: Women in HE Leadership
chris h 2020-Mar-17 Guidance to facilitate the implementation of targets to promote gender equality in research and innovation’
chris h 2020-Mar-16 Gender Equality in Power and Decision-Making Review of the Implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in the EU Member States
Rachel Palmén 2020-Feb-20 Gendering Decision Making and Communications Processes
admin 2020-Feb-11 Sexual Harassment in Higher Education Institutions and Research Organizations
Maria Jose Romano 2019-Dec-2 ACT- Co-Creation Toolkit - Visual Methods
Maria Jose Romano 2019-Oct-31 ACT - Co-creation Toolkit - Five-Minute Favour
Maria Jose Romano 2019-Oct-31 ACT - Co-creation Toolkit - Argument Mapping
Maria Jose Romano 2019-Oct-29 Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring (GEAM)
2019-Oct-11 European Handbook on Equality Data revsion 2016
2019-Oct-8 Special Issue of Gender & Society: “Gender Transformations of Higher Education Institutions”
Maria Jose Romano 2019-Sep-6 ACT Community Mapping Report
Maria Jose Romano 2019-Sep-6 ACT - Co-creation Toolkit - Version 2.0 Complete
Author Post date Title
2020-Feb-21 Courageous conversations and adventurous approaches: Creative thinking in tackling inequality
Paulina Sekula
2020-Feb-5 Espanet Conference 2020 Up for the Future? Social policies in challenged societies
2020-Jan-16 19th Annual STS Conference Graz 2020 "Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies"
2020-Jan-9 8th STS Italia Conference will be "Dis/Entangling Technoscience: Vulnerability, Responsibility and Justice”.
2020-Jan-8 II Congreso Internacional de Ciencia, Feminismo y Masculinidades (CICFEM)
2019-Aug-23 Advances in Computational Biology Conference
2019-Aug-22 XI European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education