About (English version)
A first analysis has already been published on the 7 March 2011 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Women's day. In the first analysis, only the global results were available. The fieldwork survey was carried out by TNS Opinion from 9 February 2011 to 6 March 2011. This final analysis includes some complementary analytical elements as well as a new section dedicated to the maternity and paternity leave.
Several key points can be drawn from the results of this survey:
- Concerning all questions related to gender equality, one can observe that men and women tend to react in similar proportions. One can certainly wonder whether this 100th anniversary of the International Women's Day should not be considered as a real social step forward that may contribute to tackling or effectively reducing the gender gap.
- European trends must be completed by an analysis of national results that can sometimes turn out to be different. Unlike other surveys and common stereotypes relating to gender equality, we do not find regional or logical trends except in Nordic countries.
- One of the main conclusions of this survey can be the fact that, among all measures to be taken to achieve equality between men and women, Europeans favour encouraging measures rather than legal coercion.
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