The GEAR tool has been designed to cover the whole process of reinforcing gender equality in academia and research.
This online tool is targeted at all staff, from the bottom to the top, working in research and higher education institutions. This includes research and teaching staff; human resources, administrative and support staff; middle and top level management. While not directly targeting students, this group is addressed through various measures that are described in the tool.
As both women and men take part in research and higher education institutions, promoting gender equality structural change is not a women’s issue. Men are explicitly called upon to engage, together with women, in initiatives towards the modernisation of research institutions and gender equality.
What can you find in this online tool?
- A practical definition of ‘gender equality plan’ for the particular context of higher education and research institutions.
- A step-by-step guide on the process to set up, implement, monitor and evaluate gender equality plans. The guide also contains hints about obstacles and challenges you may face, along with suggestions on how to overcome them. You can also find a list of basic requirements and success factors for realising it.
- An action toolbox with concrete examples of actions to be designed and implemented within a gender equality plan.
- Advocacy arguments to promote gender equality in your organisation.
- Background information about the EU and national legislation and policies supporting gender equality in research.
- Key resources that can support the structural change process.