ZRC SAZU - Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

About (original language): 

Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti (ZRC SAZU) je stopil na samostojno pot leta 1981, čeprav je večina inštitutov pod okriljem Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti delovala že desetletja prej. Samostojno obdobje je bilo razburkano, vznemirljivo in uspešno. V zrelo obdobje svojega delovanja vstopa ZRC SAZU kot eno vodilnih raziskovalnih in izobraževalnih središč v Sloveniji in je povsem primerljivo z najbolj prodornimi akademskimi ustanovami v srednji in jugovzhodni Evropi.  Več kot tristo sodelavk ter sodelavcev je organiziranih v osemnajstih samostojnih, vendar usklajenih in povezanih  inštitutov. Delo ZRC SAZU je izrazito interdisciplinarno in temelji na sodelovanju, dopolnjevanju in sinergiji. Številna in različna področja raziskovanja bi lahko strnili v preučevanje kulturnih, družbenih in naravnih pojavov, procesov in praks. Raznovrstni so tudi rezultati našega dela. Niso vidni le v znanstvenih, strokovnih in poljudnih člankih ter monografijah v tiskani in spletni različici, ampak tudi v raziskovalnih in predstavitvenih filmih, zemljevidih, ploščah, plakatih, razstavah in spletnih straneh.

About (English translation): 
The Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU) began its independent career in 1981, even though the majority of the institutes under the aegis of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts had already been operating several decades earlier. The period of independence was turbulent, exciting, and successful. ZRC SAZU is entering its mature period as one of the leading research and educational centres in Slovenia, and is completely comparable with the most prominent academic institutions in central and southeast Europe. More than three hundred associates are organized into eighteen independent but coordinated and interconnected institutes. Work at ZRC SZU is distinctly interdisciplinary and based on cooperation, complementation, and synergy. The diverse research areas can be summed up in the study of cultural, social, and natural phenomena, processes, and practices. The results of our work are similarly diverse. These results are visible not only in research and discussion articles, as well as general-interest publications, but also documentaries, promotional films, maps, CDs, posters, exhibitions, and websites.

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